From Once Upon a Time to Happily Ever After: People Love Stories.

 Feb 8, 2024 | by: Peter Herring

When you set a high bar, as we did with the Road Trip campaign, you need to keep in tip top shape (and maybe do a little pole vaulting training) for the next challenge. In 2022, ARCIFORM asked us to jump into a new, out-of-box campaign. We asked, “How high?” They said, “We want to get our story out there; we want people to see our work and we think that will sell itself.” We put on our marketing hats and thought about all the marketing avenues we could take. After a while we doffed those hats. Looked at each other. And decided, “Oh, heck, let’s not market them.” 

When you set a high bar, as we did with the Road Trip campaign, you need to keep in tip top shape (and maybe do a little pole vaulting training) for the next challenge. In 2022, ARCIFORM asked us to jump into a new, out-of-box campaign. We asked, “How high?” They said, “We want to get our story out there; we want people to see our work and we think that will sell itself.” We put on our marketing hats and thought about all the marketing avenues we could take. After a while we doffed those hats. Looked at each other. And decided, “Oh, heck, let’s not market them.” 

Instead, we decided to tell inspiring stories about them and their beautiful work. Iconic Magazine was born! Iconic doesn’t look like an ad, sound “adsy” or put people off as ads sometimes do. In fact, Iconic doesn’t try to sell anything to anyone. It just tells great stories – in pictures and words – about fabulous remodeling jobs done by very cool folks. We produced three issues each in 2022 and 2023, and are continuing into 2024. It’s a gorgeous engaging, online magazine, designed by Snow B Designs and created in Issuu, which lets the reader flip through the pages and delivers a physical magazine feel.

Because we’re dealing with the very visual remodeling industry, Iconic is photo-forward, full of delicious full and vignette shots of both projects and people. A main article usually deals with a highlighted project, but rather than presenting a boring explication of what was done, it tells a story, including interactions between ARCIFORM and the client families, any dramatic challenges encountered, and of course the stunning result. Other articles include “how-to’s” and DIY information, plus a fun feature we added in year two called, “ArciFiles.” Arcifiles profiles members of the ARCIFORM and Versatile Wood Products design-build team, from designers to craftspeople, as well as creatives and craftspeople from companies that ARCIFORM partners with. We then added the Community Directory of industry-related vendors plus nonprofit organizations connected with the Portland design build sector. The effect of both these additions is to place ARCIFORM at the hub of a creative community.

Goodwill: That Warm Fuzzy Feeling Equals Hot Marketing

SBD often highlighted ARCIFORM’S participation with, or donations to, various nonprofit organizations. In this way, Iconic helped to garner “goodwill” that accrues to companies that help out in their communities. Goodwill translates to brand preference for socially responsible companies; when the time comes for a prospect to remodel, many will give preference to the company that stands for something more than business and profit. Social impact also helps with top-of-mind awareness and brand name retention. When prospective clients associate ARCIFORM with social equity organizations they will recall them more frequently and favorably. Research shows that this is particularly true of Millennials, who represent ARCIFORM’s up-and-coming market.

Gather Round, Target Audience, It’s Storytime!

Everybody loves stories, especially if they have happy endings. So Iconic’s readership grows and grows, with nearly 17,000 impressions and 5,500 reads as of this writing. More importantly, ARCIFORM receives hot lead calls from readers who “loved what they saw” in the magazine. The stories do more than any ad, social post, email or mail campaign could do – not that we don’t use those tools to market Iconic. And it does it all without ever saying, Call Now! Or, this special deal won’t last! As the old adage goes, Iconic shows, it doesn’t tell. So it fits the bill – it does all the work of “normal” marketing without feeling like marketing. As with the Road Trip, it invites readers to live vicariously in others’ remodeling adventures, and then perhaps take the adventure themselves. With ARCIFORM, of course. 

Storytelling as marketing makes perfect sense when you realize that our human DNA, those molecular spirals that drive us, are coiled around story. From sitting around fires swapping tales of the day’s hunt or legends about our ancestors, to stories that tell us how to do something, or find someplace in the world or in our hearts, stories are our major mode of sharing information. Unlike facts, they grab ahold of us, mesmerize us, lull us, intrigue us, warn us. Just pronounce the words, once upon a time, and part of us relaxes, while we also prick up our ears, eager for a good yarn. We’re simply wired for stories. For this reason all good marketing uses the power of storytelling. 

The best marketing feels organic to your audience, not forced or intrusive. Iconic Magazine allowed us to get outside of that “hello, you’re being marketed to” box  and simply show readers what great work ARCIFORM does, how friendly and approachable they are, how they overcome challenges, and know their stuff inside and out. It’s entertaining. But many readers are considering, or likely to consider, remodeling their vintage home in the near future, and they will certainly put ARCIFORM on the top of their list .

Quote from Snow B. Designs

Once Upon a Time / Happily Ever After Can Be Your Story, Too

Snow B Designs is a mom-run company, and Snow has told a story or two (thousand) to her two kids in her time. Our team is made up longtime professionals who, legend has it, have done national/international work for multifarious Fortune 500 companies, but now prefer helping local midsize companies because...well, because nurturing local is a mom thing. Together, what we like best is to listen to your story, from your origin myth to your latest plot point. And then, we like to find the ideal way to tell it to your target market – those who want to hear it most. That’s what we’re about. You could say, that’s our story. And, yes, we’re sticking with it. 

Need to get your story heard in the marketplace? Call Marketing Mom: Snow B Designs. We work like a mother for you!


ICONIC Road Stories: How to Market without Marketing

a vintage car is parked in front of the union station
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ICONIC Road Stories: How to Market without Marketing
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